Case - Tailwind CSS Template
Introducing Case, a Tailwind CSS Multipurpose Landing Page Template. This beautifully handcrafted HTML5 template is designed with pixel-perfect precision, leveraging the latest Tailwind CSS.
Available in 11 homepage demos and 26 inner pages.
Preview link
Case comes with fully responsive design, Dark & RTL mode, giving you even more options to make your website stand out.
Key Features:
PHP Contact Form
PHP Mailing List Form (Integrated with Hubspot, Sendinblue, Omnisend, Mailchimp Klaviyo)
W3C Validated
Google recaptcha
Vanilla JS (No Jquery dependencies)
SAAS support
Fully Responsive
Dark Mode
RTL support
Swiper JS
Google Font
Over 100 sections
Commented Code
Smooth Scroll on Click
Video Popup
Masonry JS
Input Validation
SEO Optimized
Sticky Navigation
Developer Friendly
Detailed documentation
Simple and easy development environment setup
Customizable design and layout
Any questions? Let us know
Build Version (HTML template) and Development Version (TailwindCSS template)